The following are Evanston Grows supporters for 2023. This page is updated annually in the spring.
thank you to all of our evanston grows supporters!
Caitlin Bull Foundation
Cless Family Foundation
Evanston Community Foundation
Finnegan Family Foundation
Garden Club of Evanston
Junior League of Evanston-North Shore
Kellcie Fund
Lincolnwood Garden Club
Michele's Granola
National Garden Clubs
NorthShore University Hospital System
Sehgal Foundation
The Garden Club of America
United Faith Church
Whole Cities
Whole Kids Foundation
Woman's Club of Evanston
Women for Evanston Youth
Susan & David Abraham
Francine Allen
Kristine Anderson
Allison Bacon
Elizabeth and Rick Bald
Patty and Mark Barbato
Randy Barrengos and Geoffrey Ayoub
Amy Bartucci
Anne Berkeley
Gabe and Judson Brooks
Chaneice and Larry Brown
Molly Burns and Jim Harper
Tiffany & David Chan
Kathy Clements
Kristin and Marty Cless
Kim and Jeff Cohen
Mary and Mark Collins
Mary Jo Crosby
Katie Cromer
Mindy and Greg DeStefano
Gail and Erik Doeff
Tracy Egan
Linda Faller
Sarah Ferrer
Jean and Andy Fies
Ella Fies
Patty FitzGibbons
Marya and Peter Frankel
Stephen Galler
Lisa & Chris Gibbons
Giulia Guerini
Cynthia & David Greising
Liz Gruszkievicz and David Rudolph
Annie Grossman
Jacqueline Grygotis and Dennis Hickey
Colette Halverson and Blake Magnuson
Heather Hancock and Cam Balzer
Libby Hill
Jane and Doug Holt
Kathy & John Huston
Judy and Tony Iacuzzi
Dan and Kay Israelite
Diane and Keith Jackson
Laura and Jeff Jacobs
Pam and Rob James
Alissa and Jeff Jamison
Justine Jentes
Jancy Jerome and Dan Lipson
Jo Johnson
Ann Jones
Carol Kanter
Suzanne and Dan Kanter
Michelle Kavoosi and Eric Prezant
Kyle Kinzie
Teresa & Thomas Klier
Amy Corday and Adam Klingher
Helen Kornblum
Michelle and Gary Kretchmer
Liz and Steve Krupkin
Jessyca Latimer
Betsy Lehman
Rachel and Josh Liss
Gretchen and David Livingston
Heidi and Ned Lott
Kathy Lyons and Bill Chafetz
Lauri Macklin
Dorothe Magid
Rita and Lou Maltezos
Kelly Marcelle and Tim Davitt
Ellen Markus
Donna and Mike Masini
Carolyn & Pete Mattox
Ann and Tom McMahon
Mindy Meade
Alyson Miller
Annet Miranda
Jan Molinaro
Joseph Moos
Liz Morris
Naomi Streeter Morris
Nonie Morris
Anne Murdoch and Michael Walker
Laura Mudd
Sarah Muyres
Kate and Steve Newman
Deborah Newmark
Judy Newton
Christine and King Ng
Mary Catherine O'Connor
Danny Orrock
Beth and John Osterlund
Kim and Simon Perutz
Janis Pozzi-Johnson
Linda & Adam Prager
Tracy Quattrocki and Neal Brady
Liz Reeves and Dough Haight
Eleanor and William Revelle
Mary Ridley & Greg Lundberg
Jane and Anthony Rothschild
Kristen Rowe and Robert Casorio/Jameson Sotheby's
Judy & David Rubovits
Saralyn Sacks and Mike Klearman
Julia and Barry Sagraves
Kathi and Jon Samuels
Jean Saunders and Joe Moos
Liz and Dave Schaps
Gerri and Len Sciarra
Alex Piper and Jon Seed
Betsy and Rob Segal
Lois Shelgren
Danielle and Chris Siebert
Anne & Casey Sills
Ellen Slezak and Brian Hamill
Elizabeth Smiley and Henry Kohn
Kathy Smith and Caesar Tabet
Christa Sorenson and Danny Ortegon
Annie Speicher and Matt Wechsler
Julie Stamos
Sarah Ghantous and Brett Stein
Nyika Strickland
Lauren Taslitz and Bill Bloomer
Shirley and David TerMolen
Pam and Brian Tingley
Kathy Tisdahl & Pat Hughes
Susan Treacy
Susan Garcia Trieschmann
Andrea and Jeffrey Urdangen
Marcia and Phil Vickman
Jan Walsh
Shelley Weiss and Alan Schoen
Val and Rob Weiss
Erin and Ken Werner
Susan Werner
Brenda and Andrew Werth
Fran and John Wiechart
Susan Wishnick and Allen Steinberg
Lisa Zschunke and Aron Packer